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DIEP fellows and researchers at DIEP@UvA

Interdisciplinary DIEP fellowships

DIEP@UvA offers postdoctoral fellowship grants. The fellows will be engaged in emergence-related research with collaborations within the institutes: Institute of Physics (IoP), the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics (KdVI), the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), the Informatics Institute (IvI), the Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) and the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS).

Ruben Lier
Ruben is a theoretical physicist who likes to use the universality of hydrodynamics to study problems at all scales, ranging from fluid mechanics to soft condensed matter, from strongly correlated electron systems to high energy physics.
Saumya Mukherjee
Saumya Mukherjee is presently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam (UvA), within Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute (WZI) of the Institute of Physics (IoP) and the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena. He is aiming at performing experiments and establishing the link between experimental results and philosophy to answer the question “Is There Space and Time for Experimental Philosophy?”. This NWA project is led by Mark Golden (IoP) and Sebastian De Haro (Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, ILLC). Saumya joined UvA to study the properties of the electrons in emergent quantum materials like high-temperature superconductors using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) set-up called AMSTEL at Mark Golden’s lab. Building on the successful work of his preceding colleagues, where the behavior of the electrons in these unconventional superconductors were modelled using AdS-CFT computations using a scheme called semi-holography, he will perform further studies to test theories of emergence and provide support towards the joint endeavor of UvA-ILLC group to lay down the experimental and philosophical foundations.
Enrico Cinti
Enrico Cinti is currently a postdoc researcher at the University of Amsterdam, working at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, the Institute of Physics, and the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena, working within Sebastian De Haro and Mark Golden's NWA project "Is There Space and Time for Experimental Philosophy?". He got his PhD in a joint agreement between the University of Geneva (supervisor: Christian Wüthrich) and the University of Urbino (supervisor: Vincenzo Fano). He works mainly on the philosophy of physics, with a particular focus on quantum gravity and cosmology. In particular, at UvA he is going to focus on the philosophical and conceptual aspects of recent experiments using holographic dualities to model condensed matter experiments on strange metals. Outside of this, he enjoys thinking about broader topics in metaphysics and philosophy of science, such as space and time, laws, modality, scientific realism, and the relation between mathematics, physics and the world.
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Christian Hamster
Christian is joining DIEP in September 2023 in the context of FAEME. He works on stochastic PDEs, reaction-diffusion equations and pattern formation. At DIEP he will be modelling various systems including cell motility and models of ecosystem dynamics.
Swarnendu Banerjee
Swarnendu is joining DIEP in August 2023 in the context of FAEME. He is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Researcher working with the Environmental Sciences Group at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, The Netherlands. Prior to this, he served for a brief period as a postdoctoral fellow at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India and as a Visiting Scientist at the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. Although his training is in mathematics, the complexities in biology fascinate him. His research mainly revolves around questions concerning ecology, evolution and epidemiology.
Marco Alberto Javarone
Marco Javarone joined DIEP in May 2023 as fellow in the context of FAEME. Marco works in Statistical Physics, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Complex Networks, Evolutionary Game Theory, Optimization, Computational Neuroscience, and Social Dynamics. His project within DIEP aims at bridging notions of quantum and classical complexity.
Fernando N. Santos
My research integrates theoretical physics, applied mathematics and data science, focusing on bridging results in computational topology, geometry and statistical mechanics with network neuroscience and artificial intelligence. My current research aims to contribute to the understanding of the bridge between imaging and behavior. Fernando is a DIEP fellow since November 2022.
Soroush Rafiee Rad
My research lies at the intersection of mathematics, uncertain reasoning and information dynamics. It ties closely with research on classical and quantum information theory and the study of complex systems on one hand, and decision theory and formal epistemology on the other hand.  I have worked on mathematical analysis of entropy based inference in inductive logic, probabilistic reasoning, models of rational deliberation and preference aggregation, and study of mathematical structures in quantum theory. I hope to follow two main research foci at the DIEP. First is to study in detail connections between the theory of dynamical systems and model theory of dynamic epistemic logic. And second, I hope to collaborate closely with the research project on information theory both in studying the adaptive complex systems as well as in research on quantum information theory. Soroush is a fellow since September 2020.
Wout Merbis
After 10 years of performing research in high-energy physics, I have now become interested in developing new theoretical methods for dynamical stochastic systems on complex networks, using techniques inspired by quantum mechanics. Many complex systems allow for a description in terms of a stochastic process with a great number of  constituents interacting in a randomly determined fashion. Examples of this are the spreading of infectious diseases through a population or the firing of neurons in the brain. The collective behaviour of these constituents can give rise to emergent phenomena. Mathematically, this collective system can be obtained from the constituents in a similar way as many-body quantum systems are described in terms of the component quantum particles. My research aims to exploit this similarity and bring the study of emergence in classical stochastic systems closer to the study of exotic phases of matter in many-body quantum systems. An important aspect in this is played by the network structure which mediates the interactions. Wout joined DIEP in February 2021 via a NWO grant attributed to NWA route 2 and has been a fellow since then.
Akash Jain
Akash has joined DIEP in September 2021 via a Marie Curie grant and has remained a fellow since then. Akash is a theoretical physicist with interests in hydrodynamic theory and holography. At DIEP he will be developing hydrodynamic models and applying them to active systems in soft matter as well as to heavy-ion collisions at CERN.
Mauricio del Razo Sarmina
I am interested in studying biochemical reaction systems in living cells. These systems constantly exchange material and energy with their environment; they consume chemical energy and dissipate heat. Namely, they operate in an open non-equilibrium setting. As these systems generally involve an extremely large number of microscopic constituents, modeling the whole system with molecular detail is practically unfeasible. It is thus fundamental to learn what are the emergent laws and principles that govern the collective behavior at the different scales and to develop consistent multiscale frameworks based on them. My goal at DIEP is to discover theses emergent laws and principles and employ them to develop a unifying theoretical and computational framework for multiscale biochemical reaction systems in open non-equilibrium settings. Mauricio received a prestigious DFG Individual Research Grant (German Research Foundation) and is now at the Free University Berlin.
Janusz Meylahn
If pressed for an answer to the question of my academic identity, I would reluctantly call myself a mathematician. I ended my studies with a PhD in mathematics and more specifically in probability theory. This was a somewhat natural continuation from my Msc in statistical mechanics (theoretical physics). My research formed part of the NETWORKS consortium and focused on the influence of the network topology in the interaction structure on the ability of oscillators to synchronize. Currently, I work with Arnoud den Boer on pricing algorithms that can learn to collude. For the fellowship at DIEP I intend to find more practical applications of the insights and methods I have acquired thus far. Studying the influence of various network structures on emergent phenomenon, for example, in agent-based models or social choice theory is a good starting point. Other than that I intend to use causal inference to test the insights from my previous research with real-world data. Janusz acquired a tenure-track position at U. Twente.
Piotr Surówka
Piotr is joined DIEP in December 2021 via a NWO grant attributed to NWA route 2 until August 2022. Piotr is an expert in condensed matter physics, soft matter and aspects of high-energy physics. At DIEP he will be studying emergent phases of matter such as fracton phases and odd-elasticity in soft condensed matter systems. Piotr is now faculty at Wroclaw University.


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