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Interconnecting scientists across the Netherlands and beyond

DIEP aims at promoting interactions between researchers and scientists whose research focuses on emergent phenomena. For this purpose DIEP awards travel grants to interested groups. In order to apply for funds send an e-mail to with a description of the scientists involved, the research purpose in line with DIEP as well as an estimated cost. In the section on Emergence, you will find the different focus areas that DIEP has preference in supporting.
Below you will find more information about upcoming and recent past DIEP visitors. You can also keep up to date with DIEP news and events by subscribing to the newsletter here. To access older visitors you can check the visitor archives.

>> David Krakauer (Santa Fe Institute, US) 
       Dates: 13th May - 17th May 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: André de Roos

David Krakauer is the President and William H. Miller Professor of Complex Systems at the Santa Fe Institute. David's research explores the evolution of intelligence and stupidity on Earth. This includes studying the evolution of genetic, neural, linguistic, social, and cultural mechanisms supporting memory and information processing, and exploring their shared properties. He served as the founding director of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, the co-director of the Center for Complexity and Collective Computation, and professor of mathematical genetics, all at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He will be visiting DIEP during the period 13th to 17th of May, giving a Science & Cocktails talk on May 14th at Paradiso as well as a DIEP seminar on May 16th as part of the workshop on Collective Intelligence.

>> Wilson Poon (University of Edinburgh, UK) 
       Dates: 22nd April 2024 - 26th April 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Mazi Jallal

 Wilson is a Professor of Natural Philosophy at the School of Physics & Astronomy of the University of Edinburgh. He is a leading figure in the physics of active matter. Wilson will give a DIEP seminar on April 25th to tell us about his work on self-disassembly. Living systems ubiquitously self-disassemble in order to function. Yet, self-disassembly has been far less studied as a class of processes than self-assembly. After giving some context, Wilson will report a recent experiment on the self-disassembly of Escherichia coli and a recent simulation on an "Ising model of self-disassembly" to try to begin to understand how and why self-disassembly is so ubiquitous in living systems.


>> Jacopo Grilli (ICTP, Italy) 
       Date: 17th April - 19th April 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Swarnendu Banerjee

Jacopo is a research scientist at the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. His research focuses on ecology and statistical physics. During his visit at DIEP, Jacopo gave a seminar on the eco-evolutionary dynamics of communities interacting through competition and cross-feeding, showing that the eco-evolutionary trajectories rapidly converge to a "functional attractor''.


>> Stefan Thurner (Complexity Science Hub Vienna, Austria) 
       Dates: 15th April - 19th April 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Mike Lees

Stefan is full professor for Science of Complex Systems at the Medical University of Vienna, where he chairs Section for Science of Complex Systems. Since 2015 he serves as the president of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna, an Institution dedicated to the science of complex systems in Europe.  Stefan started his career with contributions to theoretical particle physics and gradually shifted his research focus to the understanding of complex systems. He will be visiting DIEP between April 15th and 19th, also giving a DIEP seminar on April 18th.

>> Ricardo Martinez-Garcia (CASUS, Germany) 
       Date: 3rd April - 5th April 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Swarnendu Banerjee

Ricardo is a Young Investigator Group Leader at the Center for Advanced Systems and Understanding (CASUS) in Germany. During his visit at DIEP, he will address the question on whether “out-of-sync” individuals are by-products of large-scale coordination attempts or can be a variable trait that selection can shape with potential ecological consequences. Ricardo will combine empirical data on slime-mold imperfect aggregation and patterns of partial migration observed within three ungulate specie.


>> Bernadette Soltz (EPFL, Switzerland) 
       Dates: 21st February - 23rd February 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Fernando N. Santos

Bernadette is a Postdoctoral Researcher at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Sge develops techniques in topological data analysis (TDA) to study biological data, in particular dynamical networks and spatial data. Her visit at DIEP will be about how persistent homology can be used to spatially characterise structural abnormality in tumour blood vessel networks, as well as selecting landmarks from large and noisy data sets. 

>> Irene Ferri (University of Barcelona, Spain) 
       Date: 31st January - 2nd February 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Han van der Maas

Irene is a PhD Candidate at Universitat de Barcelona Institute of Complex Systems, Spain. During her visit, she will give a DIEP seminar about a proposal that introduces an agent-based three-state opinion model in order to examine how opinions evolve in tandem with the rearrangement of social ties.


>> Tommaso Gili (IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy) 
       Dates: 17th January - 19th January 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Fernando N. Santos

Tommaso is an assistant professor at IMT Scuola Alti Studi in Lucca, Italy. During his visit at DIEP, he will present a communicability analysis of effective information pathways throughout complex networks based on information diffusion, which leads to the formulation of a new renormalization group scheme for heterogeneous networks.

>> Breno Bispo (UFPE, Brazil) 
       Date: December 2023 - July 2024 | Location: UvA | Host: Fernando N. Santos

Breno is a PhD student at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, specializing in Signal Processing. He is a visiting researcher at DIEP, exploring advanced topics in hypergraph signal processing and their practical applications in complex systems like brain networks. His work extends to innovative topics in signal processing, such as fractional transforms, embedded systems, and IoT technologies.



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