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Intertwined Loops

NetSci2025: Network Renormalization Satellite

Satellite Workshop | 2nd - 6th June 2025 | @MECC Maastricht, the Netherlands

Organizers: M. Ángeles Serrano, Manlio De Domenico, Fernando N. Santos, Wout Merbis

Satellite Workshop description

The renormalization group (RG) method, rooted in the statistical physics of the 1960s and 70s, has unraveled the scaling properties of critical systems that span a range of length scales. As complex systems are inherently multiscale, networked, and exhibit emergent properties such as (approximate) scale-freeness and self-similarity across scales, recent years have seen a surge of activity in developing robust frameworks for renormalization techniques applied to complex networks.


A diversity of network renormalization techniques and applications have been proposed over the last few years, including principled approaches, such as geometric renormalization, Laplacian renormalization, and multiscale renormalization, as well as phenomenological approaches applied to time-series, complex networks and simplicial complexes. These methods have been instrumental in uncovering multiscale structures, scaling laws, and hierarchical organization in various complex systems, e.g., from brain networks, financial networks, and machine learning.


In this satellite meeting, we aim to bring together scientists working on network renormalization from various angles to reconcile different techniques and discuss applications and generalizations of network renormalization methods. This gathering will strengthen the community, clarify the connections between different renormalization schemes, and help build a vision for the future of research on networks spanning multiple scales.


Topics of Interest:

  • Geometric renormalization

  • Laplacian renormalization

  • Multiscale renormalization

  • Phenomenological renormalization group approaches in time series analysis

  • Scaling relations and universality classes in complex networks

  • Coarse-graining methods and multiscale analysis

  • Applications of network renormalization to neuroscience and neural networks

  • Renormalization in social, financial, and biological networks

  • Higher-order Renormalization of simplicial complexes

  • Computational tools and algorithms for network renormalization

  • Empirical studies demonstrating scaling behaviors in real-world networks

  • Challenges and limitations of network renormalization techniques

  • Future directions and open questions in network renormalization​

Confirmed invited speakers 


Giovanni Petri
(Northeastern University London)


Ginestra Bianconi
(Queen Mary University of London)


Diego Garlaschelli
(IMT Advanced School Lucca & Leiden University)


Zhang Zhang
(Beijing Normal University)


Muhua Zheng
(Jiangsu University)

Format and Registration

Half-Day Event with invited contributions and a panel discussion. All satellite participants and presenters should be registered, either for the satellites only or for the full conference. Please register through the conference website.



Fernando N. Santos
(University of Amsterdam)


Wout Merbis
(University of Amsterdam, Statistics Netherlands)


M. Ángeles Serrano
(Universitat de Barcelona)


Manlio De Domenico
(University of Padua)


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